Product, How-To & Testimonial Videos

If a picture is worth a thousand words, a video is worth, well, even more than that. We’ve put together a great portfolio of videos ranging from great clips showing our Cyclone Rake Leaf Vacuums in use, to videos on accessories, Cyclone Rake reviews and testimonials from customers, and of course, some “how to” information. We add to this regularly so feel free to check back often. And if there’s something special you’d like to see, feel free to submit your inquiry at contact us form and we’ll see if we can pull one together for you.

Click on any of the thumbnails below to view the video.

Cyclone Rake Shop Talk

Join our CEO Matt Coz as he discusses everything you need to know about America’s # 1 lawn and leaf vacuum. These in-depth shop conversations go into great detail so sit back and enjoy!

Get answers to important questions when shopping Cyclone Rakes. What is a lawn and leaf vacuum, how it works, where you can get great information about the Cyclone Rake, and how to get your very own. 

How does the Cyclone Rake connect to standard mowers and ZTRs? Will it fit your tractor? How does the dual-pin hitch work? Great questions get great answers, so you have all the information you need to make a great decision for your lawn care. 

Learn about the terrific upgrades and accessories available so you can customize your Cyclone Rake for your needs. 

What sets Cyclone Rake apart from all the rest? The ownership experience is complimented by industry-leading warranties, our commitment to outstanding customer service 7 days a week, and great tips for maintaining the Cyclone Rake including using a fuel stabilizer in your engine.

What to Know Before You Purchase a Cyclone Rake

Click on any of the thumbnails below to view the video.

The Classic

The Commander

The Commercial PRO

The XL

The Z-10

Can I use the Cyclone Rake with Multiple Mowers

Will it Work with MY Tractor or Zero-Turn Mower?

How is the Cyclone Rake Shipped and When Can I Expect it?

Cyclone Rake Accessories & PRO Upgrades

Click on any of the thumbnails below to view the video.

The Power Vacuum Pickup

The Estate Vacuum

The Power Unloader

Dual-PRO Super Wheels

Tuff-PRO Urethane Super Hose

Owning a Cyclone Rake

Click on any of the thumbnails below to view the video.

Towing Your Cyclone Rake

Unloading Your Cyclone Rake

Folding Your Cyclone Rake Collector

Importance of Using Fuel Stabilizer

Using the Power Vacuum Pickup & Estate Vacuum

Replacing the Spark Plug

Replacing the Engine's Air Filter

How to Change the Engine Oil

How to Install the Standard Mower Deck Adapter

How to Install the Standard Hitch

How to Replace the 8HP or 10HP Pull-Start Engine


Click on any of the thumbnails below to view the video.

Norm F., Classic Owner

Sal B., Classic Owner

Kevin M., XL Owner

Jay & Becky D., Commander Owners

SuperHauler Videos

Click on any of the thumbnails below to view the video.

The Cyclone SuperHauler Overview